[pricing price=”70.00″ currency=”$” title=”Standard” desc=”Great for small business” moretext=”Join Now” url=”http://www.google.com” window=”new”]
[feature] 50 Keywords [/feature]
[feature] 2 Campaigns [/feature]
[feature] 6 Adverts [/feature]
[feature] Adspends up to $1000mth [/feature]
[feature] Free $100 Credit [/feature]
[feature] CPC Minimising [/feature]
[feature] Optimized Lanading Page [/feature]
[feature] Free Hosting [/feature]
[feature] Free Email Support[/feature]
[pricing price=”100.00″ currency=”$” title=”Premium” desc=”Get more bang for your buck” moretext=”Join Now” url=”http://www.google.com” window=”new”]
[feature] 100 Keywords [/feature]
[feature] 5 Campaigns [/feature]
[feature] 20 Adverts [/feature]
[feature] Adspends up to $2000mth [/feature]
[feature] Free $100 Credit [/feature]
[feature] CPC Minimising [/feature]
[feature] Optimized Lanading Page [/feature]
[feature] Free Hosting [/feature]
[feature] Free Email Support[/feature]
[pricing price=”150″ currency=”$” title=”Ultimate” desc=”Grow Your Business Fast” moretext=”Join Now” url=”http://www.google.com” window=”new”]
[feature] 250 Keywords [/feature]
[feature] 10 Campaigns [/feature]
[feature] 40 Adverts [/feature]
[feature] Adspends up to $5000mth [/feature]
[feature] Free $100 Credit [/feature]
[feature] CPC Minimising [/feature]
[feature] Optimized Lanading Page [/feature]
[feature] Free Hosting [/feature]
[feature] Free Email Support[/feature]
Did You Know?
- Over the last 10 years the Internet has gone from a geek filled hobby to an almost essential daily activity for thousands of New Zealanders
- More than two thirds of the population of NZ have access to an Internet enabled computer.
- The Internet allows everyone to easily research products and services, send and read mail, read the latest news, do their banking, and even participate in their hobbies.
- Never in the history of the world has such an amazing advertising medium been available for small and medium businesses.
- Our Simple plans get you in front of cash ready customers who are actively searching for YOU.
Get Started in 3 Easy Steps
![]() Once you click, you will see a short payment form where you can enter your payment details. We use Paypal as they are one of the leaders in online payments and are 100% secure. |
![]() You will need to enter your personal information and business details. Once completed you will gain access to your Project Area where we will get you setup. |
![]() We aim to have all setups completed within 3 – 4 weeks depending on the speed of your response to any questions we ask. |
Need to know more…
A website is great, but if no one goes to it, at the end of the day it is a waste of space. Without advertising your site can become a small store down the side path on a quiet street. This store may look the best in town, but if no one knows about it, reality would state that it will only supply goods / services to a few dedicated fans and will most likely struggle to survive.
The Internet however levels the playing field. It now does not matter where you are located, you could be in the middle of New York or in the back streets of Gore and still sell to the same customers. And if you do this right the little store in Gore can easily outsell or generate more leads than the ‘fancy’ store in New York. This is perhaps the most appealing aspect of the Internet age, however it all comes down to knowing how to best market your business.
As with any form of marketing, Internet marketing is a numbers game. The more targeted people you can get to your site, the more likely you will make a sale. However unlike traditional marketing you can actually track, modify and analyze the true cost of each targeted visitor. With this information you can find the perfect marketing mix that makes you the most money. If for every dollar you spend you make $1.50 back, how much would you spend? Most people would keep going… All you need to do is find that perfect mix then rinse and repeat it. While doing this you continue to scale it up until your profits go through the roof.
The problem with the Internet is where do you start? The options are almost endless and new fads come and go in an instant…
That’s where we come in. With over 10 years online marketing experience we can make the most out of your Online presence
Why Advertise Online?
Reach – 2/3 of Ausies are now Internet connected. If you are not in front of them you are missing out
Targeted – Target by keyword and Geo Location.
Engaging – Our lead generation websites have been built to get you more leads
Measurable – Easily track your adspend and ROI
Cost Effective – Online advertising usually costs less per lead when compared to other media
Choose the package that suits you:
Start advertising online
50 Laser Targeted Keywords, 2 Campaigns, 6 Split Test Adverts
Suitable for adspends up to $1000 per month
Build up your client base
100 Laser Targeted Keywords, 5 Campaign, 20 Split Test Adverts
Suitable for adspends up to $2000 per month
Take your business to the next level
250 Laser Targeted Keywords, 10 Campaign, 40 Split Test Adverts
Suitable for adspends up to $5000 per month
Even More Features…
All of our packages include:
Free Lead Generation Website + Optimized Landing Page (To fit in with Google’s TOS)
A Suitable .co.nz Domain Name
Free Hosting on World Class Servers
A New Email Address Associated With Your New Domain (auto forwarded to your current address)
Free Adwords Voucher to get you started (Currently $100 after the first $25 of paid clicks)
Statistics + more…
*All Prices are in NZD, exclude gst and charged 4 weekly
*Minimum term is 52 weeks
* Above price does not include monthly adspend
*Google in a registered trademark of Google Inc
*All content / sites / Niches must comply with Google TOS
* All Prices are in AUD * Minimum term is 52 weeks * Above prices do not include monthly adspend * Google in a registered trademark of Google Inc * All content / sites / Niches must comply with Google TOS